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SOQ for I/A OWTS Contractor Participation

The Solicitation of Quotes (SOQ) 23-30004 for the Materials and Installation of Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS) for the Septic Improvement Program (SIP) to set pricing for SIP grant-funded I/A OWTS installations in 2024 & 2025 has been advertised on the Suffolk County Purchasing website. Submitting to this SOQ may make you eligible for the Suffolk County SIP Approved Vendor List. 


Quotes will be accepted and reviewed for placement on the List on a rolling basis from Monday, December 18, 2023 through 3:30 pm on Friday, October 24, 2025.


Please be sure to submit one (1) original and one (1) electronic copy (acceptable formats include Excel and PDF).

Solicitation of Quotes to provide Materials and Installation Services of Approved Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS). - (.pdf)


Vendors must provide a detailed list for anticipated charges it will impose for items that shall or may apply to the Services requested under this SOQ in the below format. Failure to include a charge or schedules of charges may preclude the Vendor from billing for such non-specified items. NOTE: a separate Quote Sheet should be provided for EACH I/A OWTS technology. For technologies that have models available in multiple tank materials (Poly, Fiberglass, Concrete) a separate Quote Sheet should be completed for each type. - (.xlsx)


Respondents are required to submit a list of miscellaneous costs using this template. - (.xlsx)


Required cover letter to summarize SOQ packet. - (.docx)


Vendor application. - (.pdf)

List of Required Documents

(Click on title to download form.)

The SOQ is available on-line at Click on “Business and Commercial” and then “Bids and Proposals” and follow the instructions to register and download the documents. By registering on-line, you will automatically be notified of all future addendums. If you should need assistance, please contact the Department’s primary contact set forth on page one of the SOQ. 

P.O. BOX 279, BRIGHTWATERS, NY 11718     1-800-737-5851

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